C# IEnumerable Kullanımı Seçenekler

C# IEnumerable Kullanımı Seçenekler

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If your class is a custom collection class then yes, it should implement IEnumerable. In this case a public property for the inner list would be redundant. Imagine a simple class:

What rights does an employee retain, if any, who does derece consent to being monitored on a work IT system?

Different implementations of collections yaşama be enumerable; using IEnumerable makes it clear that what you're interested in is the enumerability, and hamiş the structure of the underlying implementation of the collection.

It's effectively usage kakım documentation of intent; I find that those explicit documentations of intent tend to provide exactly that decoupling you point out.

Said in a very simple way, that any object implementing this interface will provide a way to get an enumerator. An enumerator is used with the foreach bey one example.

What I do is make a class that implements both IEnumerator and IEnumerable. Make GetEnumerator() return itself and you hayat iterate it like düzgülü.

// but this throws an exception, because the pointer or link to the // database namely the DbContext called MyEntities no longer exists.

the IEnumerable interface, so anything you kişi do with a "plain" IEnumerable, you güç also do with an IQueryable. IEnumerable just has a GetEnumerator() method that returns an Enumerator for which you gönül call its MoveNext() method to iterate through a sequence of T

Else use an IEnumerable. The default should be to use the on-demand evaluation in the second example, as that generally uses less memory, unless there is a specific reason to store the results in a list.

This works for read-only access to a collection C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor that implements that IEnumerable dirilik be used with a foreach statement.

" This is false, because the where clause is getting called on an IEnumerable and that only knows how to loop through objects which are already coming from the database. If you made the return of AllSpotted() and the parameters C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır of Feline() and Canine() into IQueryable, then the filter would happen in SQL and this answer would make sense.

Evet öğretmen, onca C# IEnumerable Kullanımı yazdın çizdin anladıkta iki satır IEnumerable yahut IEnumerator interfacelerini kullanmadın?

Bu interface, uygulandığı sınıfa GetEnumerator C# IEnumerable Nedir adlı bir metot kazandırır ve bu metot geriye IEnumerator interface’ini implement fail bir sınıf C# IEnumerable Kullanımı döndürür.

IEnumerable tipi veriyi önce belleğe atıp peşi sıra bellekteki bu done üzerinden tamlanan koşulları çhileıştırır ve veriye uygular.

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